Why Is It Illegal To Drive Without Car Insurance?

Why Is It Illegal To Drive Without Car Insurance?

According to the Motor Vehicles Act of 1998, it is prohibited to drive without auto insurance. All motor vehicles must have third-party liability insurance in order to lawfully operate in India. It is now even more crucial to be aware of them in order to avoid paying expensive traffic penalties due to the increase in challan amount after the 2019 amendment  to the Motor Vehicle Act.

The Indian government amended the Motor Vehicle Act in 2019 as part of a campaign to reduce the frequency of deadly road accidents and reckless driving in India. If you own a car, you should be aware that it is required by law for you to have insurance when driving in India and that there is a fine of Rs. 2000 if you are found without it. To know more about illegal driving without car insurance, read on.

Is It Against The Law To Drive  An Uninsured Car?

You may choose to operate an uninsured car due to financial constraints or simple procrastination. Nobody wants to leave their house with the intention of getting into a collision. It occurs and shows up out of the blue. Paying out of pocket for expenses such as car maintenance or replacement components, medical expenses resulting from an accident, or possible legal repercussions might deplete your finances.

Is it against the law or a crime in India to drive an uninsured vehicle?

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has issued a notification that it is against the law and a crime to operate an uninsured vehicle within the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. This regulation can be broken with fines and/or up to three months in jail.

What Are The Repercussions For Using  A Vehicle Without Insurance?

According to Indian law, purchasing car  insurance is a requirement for all owners of vehicles. As a result, there is a fee linked with it. If you are found driving without car insurance, you’ll have to deal with the repercussions.

What Are The Mandatory Things That An Individual Should Be Aware About?

Following are the listed mandatory things that an individual should be aware about –

  1. Responsibility for Third Parties – The Government of India has made it a requirement that every car be covered by a Third-party vehicle insurance coverage under  The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Your legal responsibility for a third party’s death, disability, loss, or property damage is covered by third-party liability insurance.
  2. Legal Difficulties – If you are discovered operating an uninsured car, the penalties or fines are severe and may result in a 3-month jail sentence. Additionally, the legal issues that may arise from an accident involving a third party may be needless and difficult to resolve. Financial losses resulting from the unintentional death of someone operating an uninsured car or of a third party can be very problematic and upsetting. It may also result in the suspension of your driving s licence.
  3. Harm To Oneself – In the unfortunate event of a collision, your car may also experience damages in addition to the third party. You are responsible for paying for any harm done to a third party or their property, but you are also responsible for any harm done to your vehicle and any medical expenses incurred as a result of any injuries. Your vehicle will be covered for both third-party and personal damage if you have comprehensive auto insurance.


While reckless driving can be thrilling, it can also be fatal. Every owner-driver in India must have car insurance, but it’s equally crucial that we all drive safely, within the speed limit, and in accordance with all other traffic regulations.

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