These remedies are to remove the pain in the nerves of the waist or back, know how to cure the pain from the waist immediately.
The problem of back pain is very common among people. Most of us face the problem of back pain every day.
What happens in back pain - The problem of pain in the veins is due to poor blood circulation and flow, due to which the blood circulation in the veins is not able to flow smoothly.
People have to face a lot of discomfort due to back pain and it becomes difficult to get up, sit, lie down and do normal activities throughout the day.
1. Make compresses- You can make hot or cold compresses on the painful part of the back. It is an effective and very easy way to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow.
2. Practicing Yoga - There are many simple poses in yoga that help to stretch nerves and muscles, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation as well as relieve pain.
3. Massage the area affected by pain - Massaging reduces swelling of nerves and muscles. You can use mustard oil for massage, it is very effective in providing relief from pain.
4. Exercise - By doing exercise, blood starts running in the veins. However, if you are having severe pain, then only do stretching exercises, do not lift too much weight.
5. Drink turmeric mixed with milk - Turmeric, rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, is an effective treatment for inflammation and pain. It is helpful in improving blood circulation.