Hello friends, you are warmly welcome to our website All Latest Images. In today’s post I am going to share with you – Karwa Chauth Images, Karva Chauth, Karva Chauth Photo, Happy Karva Chauth, Happy Karwa Chauth Images, Karva Chauth Wishes, Karva Chauth Ki Photo, Karva Chauth Special, Karva Chauth Ka Photo, करवा चौथ इमेज, Karwa Chauth Wishes For Husband, Karva Chauth Images, Karwa Chauth Couple Pic.

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Karwa Chauth Images


Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

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Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

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Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images

Karwa Chauth Images


Happy Karwa Chauth


Why is Karva Chauth celebrated?

Karva Chauth is especially the festival of women. In Hinduism, female power is considered a form of power. It is said that a woman has a boon that for whatever work or desire she performs austerity or fast, then she will definitely get its fruit. Especially if she fasts anything for her husband, then he will be successful.

There is an emphasis in mythology where Mother Parvati does penance and fasts to get her husband Shiva and becomes successful in it, on the other hand, Savitri brings her dead husband away from Yamraj on the strength of her tenacity. That is, there is so much power in a woman that if she wants, she can achieve anything. That is why women do penance in a way for the long life of their husbands in the form of fasting on Karva Chauth.

Tapas means giving up something and moving forward in one direction. Women observe a waterless fast on this day. The moon of Chauth always comes out late. Sometimes the moon is not visible till late at night. This weather is such that sometimes the clouds get cloudy and the moon is not visible. In such a situation, women do not break their fast till late at night or the next day. It is in a way a test of women that how much they can sacrifice for their husbands.

Why is Karva Chauth celebrated?

Do you know why Karva Chauth is celebrated? If your answer is no, then today’s article is going to be full of information for you. In Hinduism, “Husband is considered equal to God” and therefore it is the duty of the wife to serve the husband. That’s why all married women worship God with a sincere heart for the long and happy life of their husbands!

By the way, in every house, small disputes between husband and wife keep going on daily. But what is “Karva Chauth” a special day every year in the life of a virtuous woman? The day on which all married women keep fast for the long life of their husbands.

The special festival of the Hindu community “Karva Chauth” is celebrated in many states of India. Therefore, if you also want to get detailed information about this holy festival, which is celebrated to maintain the love between husband and wife, then this article is for you. So let’s start and know why Karva Chauth is celebrated?

What is Karva Chauth?

Karwa Chauth is a major festival of Hindus. It is mainly celebrated in northern and central India. It is celebrated on the Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month.

Mainly this festival is celebrated by Saubhagyavati (Suhagin) women. This fast starts after about 4 o’clock in the morning before sunrise and ends after seeing the moon in the night. Karva Chauth is celebrated for one day every year by the women of the Hindu community for the good fortune and long life of their husbands.

During this fast, women have to keep this fast on a hungry stomach i.e. without taking any refreshments. Therefore, Karva Chauth is the most special day of the year for husband and wife, due to which their attachment and love towards each other increases even more.

Nowadays, not only married women but unmarried girls also keep a Nirjala fast to wish for a beautiful, healthy, and fortunate husband in the future. Talking about the time, then this fast is kept from sunrise in the morning till the moon rises in the night and this fast is broken by offering water to the moon by women along with the appearance of the moon at night and taking water by the hands of the husband.

Which deity is worshiped on the day of Karva Chauth? – On this special day, Lord Ganesha and Mata Chaturthi are also worshiped by women.

Story of Karva Chauth?

Now let us look at the story of Karva Chauth. It was a long time ago that there was a princess named Veeravati who had 7 brothers, all the brothers took care of their only sister! As Veeravati grows old, she is married to a prince in a royal family.

After marriage, Veeravati goes to her maternal home to keep the fast of Karva Chauth for the long life of her husband, Veeravati keeps this fast of Karva Chauth with weak health. And because of weakness, Veeravati started getting disturbed by hunger and thirst even before the sight of the moon at night. This pain of Veeravati could not be tolerated by her brother. And Veeravati’s younger brother thought it appropriate to break this fast.

But she could not eat without offering Ardhya to the moon. So the younger brother went out of the city and lit the fire and took a sieve and showed the light in it and told that sister moon has arrived. Now offer food to the moon!

Thus, believing this deception to be true, Veeravati accepts it as truth and eats food by giving Ardhya to Agni. But even before placing the morsel of food in the mouth, inauspicious signs started coming! Hair came out in the first mouthful, while in the second she sneezed, and in the third month, the news reached her that her husband was dead.

Seeing the dead body of her husband, Veeravati felt very sad. And after hearing this lamentation of herself blaming herself for this act, Goddess Indrani Indra Dev’s wife reached there and started consoling Veeravati.

When Veeravati asked Goddess Indrani why her husband died on the day of Karva Chauth? So in response to this, Goddess Indrani said that you have broken your Karva Chauth fast without giving Ardhya to the moon, due to which your husband died untimely.

And Goddess Indrani told Veeravati that along with the fasting of Karva Chauth, you should also start fasting on the Chauth of every month. By doing this with devotion, your husband will be alive again.

According to the statements said by Goddess Indrani, along with the fast of Karva Chauth, Veeravati took the fast of every month with full devotion, due to which Veeravati was able to get her husband alive again in the form of virtue.

Why is Karva Chauth celebrated?

The main reason behind celebrating Karva Chauth is that on this day married women keep a fast for the long life of their husbands. There is also some belief that all the married women who observe the fast of Karva Chauth with full rituals and reverence, all their wishes are fulfilled.

In truth, it would not be wrong to say that the festival of Karva Chauth is a symbol of a strong relationship, love, and trust between husband and wife. The festival of Karva Chauth is a symbol of a strong relationship, love, and trust between husband and wife. It is for these reasons that Karva Chauth is celebrated.

How is the Karva Chauth festival celebrated?

It is a special day for all the married women, so on this occasion, they make a lot of sixteen makeup for their husbands, wearing mehndi in their hands and wearing bangles in their hands. And thus a married woman fulfills her fast by worshiping her husband.

Women fasting on this day wake up early in the morning and take bath, and since this day is also a day for women to dress up. So on this day, she wears her favorite clothes, according to Indian tradition, most women like to wear sarees at this festival and look beautiful by wearing matching bangles and jewelry, etc. with her favorite saree.

On this day, women consume Sargi before starting the fast, Sargi contains fruits like pomegranate, banana, papaya, which are healthy for the body. If we understand Sargi in simple words, then the breakfast taken before the resolution of fasting is called Sargi.

Therefore, women who keep this fast for the whole day after consuming the Sargi dish before sunrise, are also prohibited from drinking water.

And after the appearance of the moon in the sky at night, this fast is ended by offering prayers to the moon, touching the feet of her husband, and taking refreshments with his hands.

Method Of Karva Chauth

After taking a bath before sunrise on the day of the fast, first of all, take this resolution on the Chaturthi fast by attaining the mother’s happiness and son-grandson and son-in-law Susthira Shree!

  • stay dehydrated all-day
  • Worship Lord Shiva, Mother Parvati, and Lord Ganesha while worshiping in the temple in the evening.
  • Offer the items of honey to Mother Parvati, makeup her in the story photo.
  • After that meditate on Mother Parvati with a sincere heart.
  • All the married women should listen to the story of the fast, and in the evening take water from the hands of the husband only after the sight of the moon.
  • And after that, in the end, end this fast by taking the blessings of your husband, mother-in-law, and elders.
Importance Of Karva Chauth

In Indian culture, this special festival of love between husband and wife is celebrated every year by all the married women, this festival is celebrated in many states of India including Delhi Punjab Haryana.

The tradition of celebrating this festival for the longevity of the husband and for the attainment of unbroken good fortune is very old and the most important thing is that all women have the right to observe this festival without any discrimination, irrespective of age, caste, and varna.

This fast is kept by married women continuously for 12 years to 16 years, although it is their wish, they can keep this fast for a long time, otherwise, they can end this fast by doing Udyapan after 12 or 16 years.

Therefore, in a nutshell, Karva Chauth is considered to be the most fortunate day for a married woman, so every year the preparations for this special festival of Karva Chauth are started by women many days in advance.


Final Word

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